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You know when your addicted to nail varnish when ...

You know you’re a nail varnish addict when …

The on going battle of what colour to paint your nails continues. Lets face it all girls addicted to nail varnish will come head to head with each of these problems. I Know I am not alone.

  1. You have 10 different types of red but you still don’t have the right shade.

  2. Winter, Autumn , Spring and Summer you need to match your nails to the seasons.

  3. Every time you decide to paint your nails the whole nail varnish box comes out. It is tipped all over the floor with all the colours spread out so you can see them all.

  4. You have no more room to store anymore nail varnishes , but they are on offer and you have to get 3 for 2.

  5. Everyone had a spare £2.99 for a Barry M don’t they ?

  6. Glitter. We all know it possibly the worst thing to scrub , soak and scratch off your nails but we used it anyway. In 3 layers to make it extra sparkly.

  7. You get excited when a new Nail Varnish range comes out and need to buy the whole collection. Every colour.

  8. With all the nail colours you own , you can never find the right colour

  9. When you eventually find the colour you want , you open it and it dried out and gloopy. This is because you own so many there Is no way you can possible use them all.

  10. You own at least 10 nail varnishes that you have not used or opened. ( You just needed them to complete the collection)

  11. Having trouble how you want to organise them , there just isn’t the space for a nail varnish self/room/draw.

  12. You compare offers between boots and superdrug.

  13. You know the names of the nail varnish colours.

Lets face it. Girls are nail addicts. These things matter. You need 10 shades of red , 13 glitters and the whole collection.

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